Queens Craft Brigade is (Cautiously) Looking For a New Home for the Holidays
Hello everyone! It’s been too long. We miss you. So much. I mean, A LOT. You don’t even know. Actually, you do. We all do.
Since the pandemic started, we’ve only been online via Instagram, promoting makers and other community activities. This has been fun and fulfilling but the time has come to explore possible locations for November and December markets. Given the current pandemic status, we aren’t committing to anything just yet, but right now we are just curious about what spaces might be available to us. We want to start a conversation with these venues and, if the situation is right, try to put on a few events before the end of the year. Again, let me stress that we aren’t rushing into anything because we want our vendors and visitors to be as safe as possible.
The VFW Hall was such an important, beautiful space for us. It’s where we held our first few years as markets and let us grow and become the community that we are today. But given the needs of social distance, we need a bigger space. Much bigger. Here’s some high level requirements of what we are looking for:
Indoor space that is in the 3-5K square foot range or an outdoor space that is covered for weather protection
Astoria is our spiritual home but we are also open to Long Island City or Jackson Heights if there is nothing available in Astoria. Have something that fits in the bill in a different neighborhood? Let’s still talk!
Ability for food vendors to cook on premise
Good access to subways and other public transportation
If you think you’d be able to host us, please get in touch with me (Robert Duffy, founder) at queenscraftbrigade@gmail.com and let’s talk.
Please also help us spread the word as far as possible on your own social networks and anyone you know that might be able to host us. Maybe we can pull it off in the holidays. If not, let’s hope for an amazing return in the Spring of next year.